how did i get transported back in time and made into a cartoon?
why is that man allowed to wear a shirt while he washes my car?
and why are those pans so fucking shiny?
damn valium is great!
they musta been on 'em by the costco crateful, unless in retrospect the entire decade truly was all morale marketing. i may never know... baby boomers don't really remember anything at all before the "zeppelin days"(at least they never talk about it). they are all getting so hilariously bitter about their age. now my dad creaks when he stands up from the couch to go get another beer. he can still do a one armed push up though (on his left side) which is the result of a shoulder injury years ago. something healed in there that gives him superman strength for one-armed left sided pushups and arm wrestling. he beat my jacked up 26 year old brother fair and square (extremely irritated result).
maybe he should go downtown and do one-armed pushups outside the bars at 2am. 'push up guy' downtown has been on that schtick for years and he goes forever while mulletheads from the suburbs throw dimes at his head.
i think the 50's are a wonderful idea. what must have lain beneath seems frightening, controlled, stagnant, coiled. respectfully and dutifully about the family, more specifically the man, the figurehead, the boss, the head of the household. father knows best. because your father said so. when i hear about these things and see tiny reflections of those times in my own home and my own relationships, attitudes i've adopted to a very mild extent, i make sure i'm the first to get fired up and call names when questioned. that's no good either: wouldn't want to be called a bitch.
i really must learn to let that go.
it's almost 2011 for sweet merciful baby jesus' sake!
time to take the spam out of the can for the man.
correction: time to make myself a batch of popcorn and do girly shit. alone.
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