i am such a closet cowboy.
I MEAN GIRL!!!!!!!!! GIRL.
i'm going to australia in a few days. it's summer and my man's brother owns a ranch with land. we are going to camp by the creek. i love the outback, especially the queensland outback; it's removed from the palm trees and humidity which is a miracle. you drive a few hours and the landscape changes to hills with red dusty ground. i sent him a message that i am starving for some time in the outdoors, wearing dirty jeans and my just-polished boots and no makeup and mexican silver. i want to lie on a horse blanket with him and smoke a cigarette. the horses will be grazing twenty feet away and the humidity will be just right and the sky will be a big black mouth not saying a word.
i want black beans over a fire and washing in the silty water and a game of tag at midnight. i'll chase him through the grasses of the outback, try to tackle him to the ground, roll on him until he's pinned and then beg him to take me to taroom, where he was born, further inland from the coast by a day. if you drive far enough in along railroad tracks there are dessicated kangaroo corpses and aboriginals walking on 50 degree sand without shoes. my west coast rain soaked eyes need to dry out on that road trip.
he tells me he goes back to taroom and the backs of trucks swing open to reveal six wild pigs swinging from hooks, and when you go into the little roadside restaurants the steaks are the size of dinner plates. people from 40 years ago walk up and call him by his family's last name. that lilting accent will tickle me- as it always does- and i'll smile so widely in reflex people will ask for my name, too.
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