woke up thinking about food...as usual...and coffee with chocolate almond milk.
and how it wouldn't make me feel like shit, like when you order a large drip from starbucks or whatever and then you chuck in some cow's milk and refined white sugar and your whole stomach feels like a burning sulphur pit studded with landmines.
people fucking hate vegetarians and especially vegans. i've been there- they are annoying, AND YOU JUST WANT THEM TO GO AWAY (like anything that forces you to entertain what you know deep down is wrong)...
until you make the change
... and then you realize you felt half dead before.
sometimes i'm just so tempted to eat peter rabbit when he's presented in a nice restaurant (NOT). they do look cute here though, all ready for roasting:
there will be more on how to make your body the glorious bundle of energy it was born to be later, but first, something that bothers me:
cold/flu season does not exist. i know when i've been treating myself like shit. i get sick when i've been eating or drinking or smoking too many toxins and then after a while what do you know, my body kicks in and does it for me. i believe this illness-riddled winter season is largely psychological for us in the western world and can be attributed to mass marketing of pharmaceuticals. since childhood all we hear is
don't go out with wet hair
feed a cold starve a fever
take this every four hours
what did the doctor say
well make sure you take these with your antibiotics
gotta be at work on monday
our bodies are self regulating and made of basic building blocks, and each cell within us is an absolute bonafide genius. most of their time is spent in mild crisis mode trying to remedy whatever latest shitstorm we (as owners and operators) have rained down upon them. poor little guys.
i do some questionable things. but one thing i love is anything NATURAL. and we are what we eat. so to be natural, we need to eat natural. and it's so good.
raw---from the ground---delicious life force= energy to live!
every cell within us absorbs what goes into our mouths.
so scary- and so much potential.
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