"I am afraid I will be of no help in giving you quick food ideas, but I would like, if I may, to express myself on food in general. In this culture, we have funny ideas about food. We cannot take the time to prepare it, which implies it is of low worth to us, but then we will pay large sums in fancy restaurants and such for others to do the work for us and serve us the rich and poorly combined food that promotes our illnesses. We tend to put our jobs, our leisure, our relationships ahead of food, something without which, none of those things would be concerning us. I see at least a part of the struggle with candidiasis as a healing of our relationship to food --- the thing we do not live and breathe without. There is nothing anymore important than this, nothing, yet we want it fast, furious, and deadly.
I too have a very busy job at a university and have stresses as well with which to deal, but until I began putting nutrition first and healing my relationship to food, I made very little headway with this affliction. Now, in spite of how busy I am or all else that needs being done, twice a day, I find a way to tie on my apron, cease all else, bow low, and enter my kitchen to prepare my “medicine,” my food. There is no more beautiful thing in my life. These meal-makings have become sustenance for me in more ways than one -- both physically and spiritually. This may sound very silly, but my kitchen has become my temple, for in it, I find nutrients for both the body and soul. The more I give over to each meal experience, the more I receive. Healthy food made with attentiveness and appreciative wonder tastes entirely different from food made in distraction or haste.
I hope this does not sound too silly to you, but this is very much the case for me. As I mentioned, until I gave myself permission to forsake all else, suspend all other worries and take whatever time is needed to eat healthy everyday, my progress was fitful and slow. I cannot tell each and every one of you how to make time for this. Each has to first understand its importance before you can understand that you CAN unseat your career, your stresses, your leisure and your relationships from top spot of energy draw, and in their place, place food, without which you do none of these things anyway. I meant not to discomfort you with this soapbox (nor did I mean to soapbox!), but everyone here shares their successful ideas, and this one is mine. Make as important as your life the living things you eat, and wonderful healing can come about on more levels than just one."
-an except from
since educating myself about the importance of digestion in bodily function, it is a mild obsession of mine. i'm not like one of those old men taking metamucil and obsessing about bowel movements, but i would be if my diet did not provide me with natural cleansing and elimination. the average adult carries 4-40 extra lbs of compacted waste inside their intestines and colon (i used to think it was normal to go to the bathroom every one to three days). this is an absolute disgrace and one that is not addressed since pharmaceutical and diet companies make an absolute fortune off the SAD (standard american diet) and it's related devastation on the body, in this instance bloating, i.b.s., chrones, colitis, constipation, gas, acid reflux, allergies, and the list goes on.
1. first thing in the morning, drink a cup of warm water with half a lemon squeeze.
benefits: alkalizing; bypasses stomach directly to bowels and aids in elimination; hydrating.
2. reduce sugar, and MASSIVELY REDUCE REFINED CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE. nothing white! you may want to reduce grain consumption of all types if extremely constipated, and eat more fresh foods. chew slowly, and reduce portions. if acutely bloated, blending foods and drinking fresh fruit and veggie juices will help deliver minerals without creating extra work for your organs. soups are easy and taste delicious and creamy when blended!
3. Exercise. This stimulates blood flow and digestion. Even a brisk walk will benefit. A good stretch afterwards, which stimulates the colon, is to lie on your back, and pull one knee at a time up into your shoulder for 30 seconds, then hug both your knees into your chest for 30 seconds, repeating.
4. Take probiotics. Ask a naturopath or even someone at a health food store to recommend a good one. These are great for immune support, healthy internal organs, digestion, and avoiding yeast (thrush) systemically.
MAKE SURE THEY ARE NON-DAIRY. you can get the exact same benefits in soy or rice based drinks or a basic capsule as you can from yogurt: fermented cow's milk with shitloads of added sugar (or more commonly, splenda or another cancer and alzheimers forming friend). i love bio-K (pictured above).
5. Try a cleanse! It may cause your family or friends to tease you or call you a drag since you won't be drinking with them, but you will feel like a new shiny car at the end of it. I really like the Wild Rose cleanse, but try any that are slanted towards freeing the body of candida, sugars, and free radicals, and that aid in intestinal/colon cleansing. Many come with herbal laxatives that sound scary but are great for a kick start.
6. Do your own cooking. Don't eat out for a week or two and see the money you save and how your weight stabilizes. When we eat out we tend to pig out (at least I do) and consume way more oils, chemicals, fats and volume than we would at home. Focus on eating vegetarian and as little dairy and sugar as possible (none if you want best results).
7. Try a colonic. Just do it. There are worse things than a hose up your butt for half an hour, and the waves of sheer pleasure and inner cleanliness afterwards are astounding. Also astounding: watching the frightening things that come out of your organs (think neon green toxins from the gall bladder and liver). Also astounding: how flat your stomach is afterwards. Also astounding: the technicians wanting to do that all day for a living.
8. However much water you drink, double it. Flush flush flush!
Good luck and remember, happy intestines = happy you!
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